Thursday, April 22, 2010

This bed ain't big enough for the 3 of us.


  1. How content us dogs are on our owners beds. I have been tagged PPD (Proper person dog) as during the night i snuggle in between the two of them bum firmly under the covers, head resting on daddys pillow, snoring in unison with them. Have a good weekend hound x

  2. I am so disappointed to see that you have left the pillows there! Don't you know it irritates everyone if you take the pillows off and hide them under the bed?!!!!!! Souk xx

  3. You mean you have to share, its a disgrace...

  4. Annabel - Love My Dress Wedding BlogMay 15, 2010 at 4:09 AM

    J'ADORE!! This hound is so like my golden hound of love, Izzie, I must send pics! Makes my heart melt this! I love my daaawgs :) xXx
